From Why me? to Try me

From Why me? to Try me

RM 40.78





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My name is Curtis Weeks. I am a man of mixed race, who embraces being Māori. I grew up on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand. Growing up as a half-caste meant I got the best and the worst of both worlds. Living on the Shore was beautiful; it was a very diverse lifestyle. Being surrounded by many different cultures was amazing because I was exposed to varied cultures and religions from a young age. One of the downfalls, however, was the level of racism we were all exposed to as children. As a child, as well as racism, I experienced discrimination, bullying, and many other hateful things that children shouldn't have to endure. I have written this book to give readers an insight into only one story of the many that can be told. My story is very tame compared to others I have witnessed and heard. However, I feel if people read this book and listen to my life experiences, they may be encouraged to speak up about their pain. This is my story and it is dedicated to all the children, teenagers, and adults out there who think they're alone, outcasts, or misfits. This is a self-help story about how I tried to build myself up and was knocked down numerous times. It's a story about managing to brush myself off and get back up, no matter how sad it made me, how angry I grew, or how many dark paths I ventured down. No matter what life threw at me, I was able to regain my feet and get back up. Over time, I was able to build what I think is now a strong character, and I think this character has been created to help others, especially those who are like I once was. I had a bad victim mentality at first but managed to understand how leadership works and now I have become a leader for those around me. Instead of thinking, "Why me?" I now think, "Try me!" This book is about my perspective on my life, formed while growing through testing times, and about putting on masks to conform with the masses. It outlines my perspective on how to adjust the mindset over time in small sh