How to Write Faster Than Anyone Better, and Better Than Anyone Faster - A Practical Guide to More Profitable Word Production

How to Write Faster Than Anyone Better, and Better Than Anyone Faster - A Practical Guide to More Profitable Word Production

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Writing for a living is a business. In business, time is money. As a writer, if you’re able to increase your hourly output without sacrificing quality, you’re increasing your potential income. How to Writer Faster Than Anyone Better, and Better Than Anyone Faster by Kerry Cox is a practical, immediately actionable guide for aspiring, semi-professional, and professional writers who want to optimize their $/TSW: Dollars per Time Spent Writing. Using straightforward instruction and real-world examples—including a “workbook” section with practice assignments, many drawn directly from the author’s project log—you’ll learn: • How to schedule your time for maximum writing efficiency • The secrets of Turbo-Editing, so your first draft is as close as possible to your final draft • Why the “Mutt Method” leads to the strongest concepts • How to use rhythm to make your writing “dance” • Why you need to create a Project Blueprint for every job—and what that looks like • How to use a Step Outline to accelerate your writing speed Also, Cox provides a Professional Writer’s Quality Control Clipboard, and gives you an invaluable insider’s look at exactly what a client is looking for when you turn in an assignment. How to Writer Faster Than Anyone Better, and Better Than Anyone Faster helps you become a speedy, dependable, high-quality cog in the production machine, which improves your cost efficiency AND your revenue due to increased demand for your services. Which translates to a richer bottom line for your business.