Once Too Many Times

Once Too Many Times

RM 30.99




True Crime

File Size

2.37 MB





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Ray just couldn't work it out. When had their lives together started to unravel? Where had it all gone so wrong, and why so soon? He had lived his tedious uneventful life right alongside her for almost twenty years, watching her, craving and yearning for her, and never really believing that she could ever be his. And then out of nowhere, and only through tragic personal circumstances were his emotional shackles lifted, allowing him to dream for the first time that she really could be his after all. Then he had put his shoulder to the wheel and converted that dream into reality. It had been pure heaven - his hitherto unreachable nirvana - and he'd given himself completely and absolutely to his new love. But soon, and so very recently, the doubts had crowded in. What had changed? Why was she pushing him away? What did she know? This is a story of love and deception, romance and retribution.